Site Manager vs. Remote Control Keyboard
A comparison between sequencing messages with the Remote Control Keyboard and with AlphaNet Plus for Windows.
With the Remote Control Keyboard:
- Use the Remote Control Keyboard to type messages into several message memory areas -- Program Text File C, D, E, F, G, etc.
- Press the <RUN> key.
- Press the <SELECT> key.
- Type the letters of the message memory areas -- CDEFG, etc. -- in the desired display sequence.
- Press the <RUN> key again to begin displaying the messages in sequence.
If you made a mistake along the way, you must press the <PROGRAM> key and repeat steps (2) through (4) and retype your sequence, even if the sequence was correct the first time.
With AlphaNet Plus for Windows:
- Create each message using the Message Editor.
- Save each message on hard disk or diskette.
- In Site Manager use the Messages pull-down menu (add, insert and replace) to create a Message List for one of the sites in the desired message display order.
- Click the "lightning bolt" to transmit the list of message files to the specified AMS message centers.
The messages transmit and display in your specified order. If you made a mistake, go back to step (3), correct the message sequence on the Site Manager screen and click the "lightning bolt" again. No typing is required.